V 【valley】a long area of land between higher areas of land.^山谷 The people in the valley worry about snow sliding down the mountain.^山谷的人们担心雪从山上滑落。 【value】1、the quality of being useful, important or desired; 2、the amount of money that could be received if something is sold.^品德;价格,价值 His greatest value is honesty.^他最大的品质是诚实。 The value of their house rose 50 percent in two years.^他们的房子价值在两年内上涨了百分之50。 【vegetable】a plant grown for food.^蔬菜 She is healthy because she eats lots of vegetables and exercises every day.^她很健康,因为她吃大量的蔬菜并且天天锻炼。 【vehicle】1、anything on or in which a person or thing can travel or be transported, especially anything on wheels; 2、a car or truck.^交通工具;车辆 This area is closed to all vehicles.^这个地区交通很方便。/这个地区禁止任何车辆通行。 We pay a tax based on the value of each vehicle we own.^我们根据我们拥有的每辆车的价值交税。/base on::基于/ 【version】the form of something with different details than earlier or later forms.^版本 Are you using the latest version of that computer program?^你使用的是最新版的电脑程序吗? 【very】extremely.^非常,很 He was very late.^他迟到很久。 【veto】to reject or refuse to approve.^否决,禁止 The President promised to veto the bill if Congress passes it.^总统承诺如果国会通过的话,他将否决此议案。 【vicious】1、bad; 2、dangerous; 3、showing harm or hate.^坏的;危险的;恶毒的,恶意的 They had a vicious argument about money.^他们因为钱的问题,吵得很凶。 That vicious dog has bitten several people.^那条恶狗已经咬了几个人了。 He made some vicious statements about the President.^他对总统作出了一些恶意的描述。 【victim】1、someone or something that is injured, killed or made to suffer; 2、someone who is tricked.^受害人,牺牲者;上当受骗者 The victim never saw the vicious person who struck her.^受害者从未看见过打她的恶人。 The victim trusted the woman who took her money.^受害者相信了那个接过她钱的妇女。 【victory】a success in a fight or competition.^胜利 The little school won its first basketball victory in two years.^这是两年来这所小型学校第一次赢得篮球比赛。 【village】a very small town.^乡村,村庄 Many villages are dying as people move to towns and cities.^许多的村子正在消亡,因为人们陆续搬到了城市。 【violate】1、to fail to obey or honor; 2、to break (an agreement).^冒犯;违反 He violated laws against making illegal drugs.^他非法制造违禁毒品,违反了法律。 He violated the loan agreement by making payments late.^他迟付贷款而违反了借贷合同。 【violence】the use of force to cause injury, death or damage.^暴力,暴行 She said parents are concerned about violence in the schools.^她说家长很担心学校里的暴力(行为)。 【visit】to go to or come to a place for a short time for friendly or business reasons.^访问,拜访 The President will visit Japan next month.^总统下月将访问日本。 【voice】the sound made by creatures, especially humans, for speaking.^声音,嗓音 She has a nice voice for speaking.^她说话的声音很好听。 【volcano】a hill or mountain around a hole in the earth's surface that can explode, sending hot, melted rock and ash into the air.^火山 Many volcanoes are active and could explode suddenly.^很多火山是活火山,有可能突然爆发。 【vote】1、to choose a candidate in an election; 2、a choice or decision expressed by the voice, by hand or by writing.^投票;选票,得票数 Americans vote in national elections every two years.^美国人每两年投票进行全国大选。 Officials hope to reduce mistakes in votes by replacing old voting systems with new and better ones.^官员们希望通过更新和改善旧的投票系统降低在投票中的错误。 --- end