T 【take】1、to put a hand or hands around something and hold it, often to move it to another place; 2、to carry something; 3、to seize; 4、to capture; 5、to begin to be in control.^取,拿走;抓;抓住;获得;占领 Take this glass.^把这个玻璃杯拿走。 They will take this with them.^他们要把这个带上。 Did the policemen take the evidence?^警察找到证据了吗? The Marines took the enemy position.^舰队占领了敌人的阵地。 The President takes office tomorrow.^总统明天任职。/take office:就职/ 【talk】1、to express thoughts in spoken words; 2、a meeting for discussion.^谈话,谈论;会谈 He will talk to us.^他要给我们讲话。 The professor will give the talk.^那位教授将会做一个讲演。 【tall】1、higher than others; 2、opposite short.^高大的;高的,长的 New York has many very tall buildings.^纽约有很多非常高的建筑物。 Tom is tall but his wife is short.^汤姆身材高,但他太太矮。 【tank】1、a large container for holding liquids; 2、a heavy military vehicle with guns.^箱,罐,槽;坦克 That oil tank is leaking.^那个油箱在漏油。 The tank moved into position and began shelling the town.^坦克开到了阵地上,开始轰炸那座小城镇。 【target】any person or object aimed at or fired at.^靶子,目标 We fired at paper targets 300 meters from us.^我们向300米之外的纸靶子开火。/fire at:瞄准…,朝…射击/ 【taste】to sense through the mouth.^品尝,有...味道 The fruit tastes sweet.^这种水果味道是甜的。 【tax】the money a person or business must pay to the government so the government can provide services.^税款,税金 Federal taxes are due April 15th, unless you pay them earlier.^如果你不早点交上联邦税金,4月15日就会到期。 【tea】a drink made from the plant of the same name.^茶 May I get you a cup of tea?^我给你倒杯茶好吗? 【teach】1、to show how to do something; 2、to provide knowledge; 3、to cause to understand.^教授;教课;教会 Will you teach me how to drive a car?^你能教我开车吗? She wants to teach high school students.^她想教中学生。 He taught me to understand poems.^他教会我怎样理解诗。 【team】a group organized for some purpose, often for sports.^队,组 She plays on the softball and soccer teams.^她是垒球和足球队队员。 【tear】to pull apart, often by force.^撕破 Did your dog tear the newspaper?^你的狗撕破了报纸吗? 【tears】the fluid that comes out of the eyes while crying.^眼泪 Her eyes flooded with tears.^她的眼里含满了泪水。 【technical】1、involving machines, processes and materials in industry, transportation and communications; 2、of or about a very special kind of subject or thing.^技术的;专门化的 He has made many technical improvements in our factory.^他在我们工厂已经进行了很多技术革新。 You need technical knowledge to understand how this system works.^你需要技术方面的知识来理解这个系统是如何工作的。 【technology】the use of scientific knowledge and methods to produce goods and services.^技术 She works at a company that designs communications technology.^她在一家设计通信技术的公司工作。 【telephone】a device or system for sending sounds, especially the voice, over distances.^电话 Do you have a wireless telephone?^你有无绳电话吗? 【telescope】a device for making objects that are far away appear closer and larger.^望远镜 Space telescopes can see objects near the edge of our galaxy.^宇宙望远镜可以看到银河系边沿的物体。/space telescope:空间望远镜/ 【television】1、a device that receives electronic signals and makes them into pictures and sounds; 2、the system of sending pictures and sounds by electronic signals over a distance so others can see and hear them on a receiver.^电视转播系统;电视 He has a television in every room.^她在每个房间都装了电视。 Television has affected almost every part of our lives.^电视已经几乎影响到了我们生活的每一个方面。 【tell】1、to give information; 2、to make known by speaking; 3、to command.^告诉;说;吩咐 He will tell everyone how to get to the party.^他会告诉每个人怎样去那个聚会。 She will tell us about her trip to China.^她要给我们讲他去中国的旅程。 Do what I tell you.^按我吩咐的去做。 【temperature】the measurement of heat and cold.^温度 What is the temperature outside?^外边的温度是多少? 【temporary】lasting only a short time.^暂时的,临时的 He has a temporary job.^他有一份临时的工作。 【tense】1、having fear or concern; 2、dangerous; 3、opposite calm.^担心的;危险的;紧张的 My pregnant sister is tense about the pain of childbirth.^我那怀孕的姐姐和、很害怕分娩时的痛苦很紧张。 The bomb threat created a tense situation.^炸弹威胁制造了紧张局势。 The calm situation suddenly became a tense situation.^平静的局面忽然转为紧张。 【term】1、a limited period of time during which someone does a job or carries out a responsibility; 2、the conditions of an agreement that have been accepted by those involved in it.^期限;条款 He served two terms in Congress.^他在国会任职两期。 The terms of the peace agreement were guaranteed by the United States and Russia.^和平协议的条款由美国和俄罗斯保证。 【terrible】1、very bad; 2、causing terror or fear.^令人不愉快的;令人厌恶的,糟糕的 She had a terrible day at the office.^她在办公室里度过了糟糕的一天。 The hostages were in a terrible situation.^人质的境况很糟糕。 【territory】a large area of land.^领土,版图,地域 The area is dangerous territory in summer because of extremely hot weather and lack of water.^那个地区在夏季是一个危险地带,因为天气酷热而且缺水。 【terror】1、extreme fear; 2、that which causes great fear.^恐怖,害怕;恐怖行动 She lived with the terror that the attack could happen again.^她很害怕,唯恐袭击再次发生。 He froze with terror when he saw the angry bear running toward him.^当他看到那只发怒的熊朝他扑来时,他恐惧得动弹不得。 【terrorist】a person who carries out acts of extreme violence as a protest or a way to influence a government.^恐怖分子 The terrorist admitted that he made the bomb.^那个恐怖分子承认是他制造了爆炸事件。 【test】1、to attempt to learn or prove what something is like or how it will act by studying or doing; 2、an attempt to ...; 3、a group of questions or problems used to find out a person's knowledge.^检验;测试 The scientists will test the new engine soon.^科学家们很快就会检验新机器。 The test of the new engine takes place today.^今天进行新机器检验。/take place:发生,举行/ The students did well on the language test.^学生们在语言测试中做得很好。 【than】1、connecting word used to link things that may be similar, but are not equal.^比(用于引入不相等比较的第二成份或句子) My sister is taller than I am.^我姐姐比我高。 【thank】to say that one has a good feeling toward another because that person did something kind.^谢谢,感谢 I want to thank you for helping me.^我要谢谢你帮助我。 【that】1、showing the person, place or thing being spoken about; 2、the person, place or thing being spoken about.^那个;那个(引导从句) That man is a soldier.^那个人是军人。 The building that I saw was very large.^我看到的那幢楼很大。 【the】used in front of a name word to show that it is a person or thing that is known about or is being spoken about.^这个 The man watched the animal run into the woods.^那个人看见那个动物跑进了森林。 【theater】a place where movies are shown or plays are performed.^剧院,戏院 We saw a wonderful play last night at the theater.^昨天晚上我们在这家剧院观看了一场精彩的演出。 【them】other people being spoken about.^他们;她们 Did you talk to them about the dog?^你跟他们说过那条狗了吗? 【then】1、at that time; 2、and so.^当时,在那时;那么,因而 We were young then.^那时候我们都很年轻。 If I am late then she gets angry.^我要是迟到了,她会发火的。 【theory】a possible explanation of why something exists or how something happens using experiments or ideas, but which is not yet proven.^理论,学说 Other scientists are debating his theory about the disappearance of dinosaurs.^其他科学家们在辩论他关于恐龙消失的学说。 【there】1、in that place or position; 2、to or toward that place.^在那边;去那里 What did you find over there?^你在那边发现了什么? I am going there to get something to eat.^我要去那里买些吃的。 【these】of or about the people, places or things nearby that have been spoken about already.^这些 These are my children.^这些是我的孩子们。 【they】those ones being spoken about.^他们;她们;它们 They work with us on several projects.^他们和我们合作做一些项目。 【thick】1、having a large distance between two opposite surfaces; 2、having many parts close together; 3、almost solid, such as a liquid that does not flow easily; 4、opposite thin.^厚的;浓密的;稠的;粗的 The wall is two meters thick.^那堵墙有两米厚。 The forest is very thick.^那片森林很浓密。 He put thick oil in the motor of his old car.^他往旧车的发动机里加了浓稠的油。 This house paint is thick, not thin like the other paint.^这种建筑用漆很粗(糙),不如其他的细腻。 【thin】1、having a small distance between two opposite surfaces; 2、not fat; 3、not wide; 4、opposite thick.^窄的;瘦;瘦弱的;细的 The walls in this house are very thin.^这个房子的墙很薄。 He was fat as a boy but is thin as a man.^他作为一个孩子就胖了,但作为一个大人就瘦了。 The young trees are thin but will grow wide.^小树苗很瘦弱,但它们会长粗的。 The electric wires were thin, not thick.^电线很细,不粗。 【thing】any object.^东西,事物 Do you know what that thing is?^你知道那个东西是什么吗? 【think】1、to produce thoughts; 2、to form ideas in the mind; 3、to consider; 4、to believe.^思维;思索;考虑;认为 What is it in humans that makes them think?^人体内什么东西让他们得以思维? Sometimes he thinks about the purpose of his life.^他有时思索他的生活的意义。 I will think about your request.^我会考虑你的请求。 I think you are right.^我认为你是对的。 【third】coming after two others.^第三的 You are the third person to tell me about that.^你是告诉我那件事的第三个人。 【this】of or about the person, place or thing nearby that has been spoken about already.^这,这个 This note will answer your question.^这条短信(注释)会回答你的问题。 【threaten】to warn that one will do harm or cause damage.^威胁,恐吓 The bank threatened to seize his house.^银行威胁要查封他的房子。 【through】1、in at one end and out at the other; 2、from front to back; 3、from top to bottom; 4、with the help of; 5、by.^通过;从前到后;直达;在...的帮助下;经由 Oil is shipped through a pipe from Texas to Virginia.^石油通过一根管道从德克萨斯运到弗吉尼亚。 The dog ran through the house.^那条狗穿过房间跑了。 The submarine sank through the water.^潜艇在水中一直下沉。 They got help through their church.^他们通过教堂获得了帮助。 They came through the back way.^他们是抄后路来的。 【throw】to cause to go through the air by a movement of the arm.^扔,投掷 Very few baseball players can throw a ball 100 miles an hour.^很少有棒球运动员能把球扔到每小时100英里这个速度。 【tie】1、to join or hold together with some material; 2、anything that joins or unites; 3、links or connections.^栓,系;带子;联系 He tied his dog to the tree.^他把狗拴在树上。/tie to:用绳子把…拴于…/ They are connected by business ties.^他们之间有业务纽带关系。 The two nations have strong trade ties.^两国之间有很密切的贸易联系。 【time】1、that which is measured in minutes, hours, days and years; 2、a period that can be identified in hours and minutes and is shown on a clock; 3、a period when an event should or will take place.^时间;钟点;事件发生的时间 We have been friends for a long time.^我们做朋友已经很久了。 What time is it?^现在几点钟了? The time for starting the meeting is two o'clock.^2点种开始开会。 【tired】1、having less strength because of work or exercise; 2、needing sleep or rest.^疲劳;累得 Talking all day makes him tired.^他说了一整天,所以疲倦。 I am so tired I could sleep all day.^我太累了,可以睡上一整天。 【to】1、showing the direction of an action; 2、showing the person or place toward which an action is directed; 3、showing a goal or purpose.^向;往;到 At the first stoplight, turn to the right.^在第一个红绿灯处往右拐。 She is flying to Seattle.^她坐飞机去西雅图。 Come to my house to study tonight.^今晚来我家学习吧。 【today】this day.^今天 I am glad that school ends today.^我很高兴今天上完课了。 【together】1、in one group; 2、at the same time or place; 3、in cooperation.^合起来;一起;共同 Her wedding will bring us all together next month.^她下个月的婚礼会把我们都聚在一起。 They will be together at school tomorrow.^他们明天都会在学校。 We agreed to work together.^我们约定共同工作。 【tomorrow】the day after today.^明天 You will feel better tomorrow, after a night's rest.^休息一夜,你明天会好起来的。 【tonight】this night.^今天晚上 Are you going to see her tonight?^你今晚要去看她吗? 【too】1、also; 2、as well; 3、more than is necessary.^也;太,过分 I like him too.^我也喜欢他。 She will be at the party too.^她也会来参加聚会。 He works too much.^他做的工作太多了。 【tool】any instrument or device designed to help one do work.^工具 May I borrow a tool from you to fix my keyboard.^我可以向你借一个工具修修我的键盘吗? 【top】1、the upper edge or surface; 2、the highest part; 3、the cover of something.^上部;顶端;盖子 The food is in the pan on the top of the stove.^食物在炉子上的煎锅里。 She climbed to the top of the mountain.^他爬到了山顶。 Please put the top on the box of tea.^请把装茶叶的盒子盖上盖子。 【torture】1、to cause severe pain; 2、the act of causing severe pain in order to harm, to punish or to get information from.^拷打;拷问 The guards tortured the prisoners by beating them.^守卫拷打囚犯。 Torture was used to get information about the rebels.^有人使用严刑来获取关于叛乱者的信息。 【total】the complete amount.^总数,合计 The measure proposes a tax-reduction total of 1.6 trillion dollars over ten years.^这个方案计划在十年间减少税收1.6万亿美元。 【touch】to put the hand or fingers on.^碰,触摸 Please do not touch the wet paint.^请不要碰未干的油漆。 【toward】1、in the direction of; 2、leading to.^向;为了 He walked toward the river.^他朝河边走去。 They took the first steps toward a peace agreement.^他们迈出了推进和平协定的第一步。 【town】a center where people live, larger than a village but not as large as a city.^城镇 Many towns are smaller now because young people move to the cities.^许多城镇现在变小了,因为年轻人搬到了城市。 【trade】1、to buy and sell or exchange products or services; 2、the activity of buying, selling or exchanging products or services.^交易;贸易 He trades shares of stock on the New York Stock Exchange.^他在纽约证券交易所对换股票。 The United States wants to sell more American products in its trade with China.^美国想在中美贸易中向中国出售更多的美国产品。/trade with:与…进行贸易〔交换〕/ 【tradition】a ceremony, activity or belief that has existed for a long time.^传统 A big Thanksgiving Day dinner is a tradition in our family.^在我们家,作一顿丰盛的感恩节晚餐是一个传统。/Thanksgiving Day:感恩节/ 【traffic】the movement of people, vehicles or ships along a street, road or waterway.^交通,运输 Traffic was very slow during the evening rush hour.^在傍晚的高峰时间交通十分缓慢。/rush hour:高峰时间/ 【tragic】1、extremely sad; 2、terrible.^悲剧的;悲惨的 The boy's struggle against disease was a tragic story.^那个男孩同疾病斗争的故事是一个悲剧。/struggle against:为反对…而斗争/ A tragic car crash killed five people.^在一次悲惨的撞车事故中有五人丧生。 【train】1、to teach or learn how to do something; 2、to prepare for an activity; 3、an engine and the cars connected to it that move along a railroad.^培训;训练;火车 A doctor will train the group in emergency medical treatment.^一位医生将会对急诊治疗小组进行培训。 The soldiers trained for days to prepare for the attack.^战士们训练了数日,为那次进攻作准备。 She rides a train to work every day.^她每天乘火车去上班。 【transport】to move goods or people from one place to another.^运输 Trucks will transport the goods.^卡车能运输货物。 【transportation】the act or business of moving goods or people.^运输 Effective transportation depends on reasonable fuel costs.^有效的运输是要看燃料支出是否合理。 【trap】1、to catch or be caught by being tricked; 2、to be unable to move or escape; 3、a device used to catch animals.^抓捕;使受限制;陷阱,圈套 Police trapped robbers by opening stores that offered to buy stolen goods.^警察开办商店,收购偷来的商品,从而抓住了小偷。 He was trapped in the burning building.^他被困在燃烧的大楼里。 Few people use traps now to catch animals for their fur or skins.^现在很少有人用陷阱捕捉动物来获取皮毛。 【travel】to go from one place to another, usually for a long distance.^旅行 He travels to California several times a year.^他每年都去加利福尼亚几次。 【treason】the act of fighting against one's own country or of helping its enemies.^通敌,叛国罪 Only a few persons have been tried for treason in the past 50 years.^在过去的五十年里,只有少数人由于叛国罪被审问过。 【treasure】a large collection of money, jewels or other things of great value.^财宝,宝藏 Searchers still find treasure in ships that sank as they carried gold to Europe.^搜寻者仍然在那些往欧洲运送黄金的途中沉没的船上寻找宝藏。 【treat】1、to deal with; 2、to act toward in a special way; 3、to try to cure.^论述;对待;治疗 The new book treats the subject of political wrong-doing in the 1990's.^这本新书论述的主题是20世纪90年代的政治错误 His political enemies treated him unfairly.^他收到了来自政敌的不公正的待遇。 Doctors are treating the disease with a new medicine.^医生正在用一种新药治疗那种疾病。 【treatment】1、the act of treating; 2、the use of medicine to try to cure or make better.^对待,处理;治疗 A new report offers a different treatment on the costs of reducing air pollution.^有一份新报告提出了一种不同的方案用于降低空气污染的成本。 Doctors are developing some new treatments for the AIDS disease.^医生正在研究治疗艾滋病的新方法。 【treaty】a written agreement between two or more nations.^条约 The United States may seek changes in the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.^美国试图在禁止核试验条约方面作出改变。/Nuclear Test Ban Treaty:禁止核试验条约/ 【tree】a very tall plant that is mostly wood, except for its leaves.^树木 Some new rules are expected to reduce the number of trees cut in the National Forests.^有望出台一些新制度来减少砍伐国家森林中的树木。 【trial】an examination in a court of a question or dispute to decide if a charge is true.^审讯,审判 Evidence against the terrorists will be presented at a trial in New York.^在纽约的审判会上将提出对恐怖分子不利的证据。 【tribe】a group of families ruled by a common chief or leader.^部落 Another Native American tribe is seeking the return of lands taken by the government in the 1800's.^又有一个土著美洲人部落要求归还在19世纪被政府霸占的土地。 【trick】1、to cheat; 2、to fool a person so as to get something or make him or her do something.^欺骗;哄骗 He used false documents to trick the tax office into reducing his taxes.^他利用假资料欺骗税务局来减少税款。 She tricked him into giving her private information about his credit card.^她诱骗他把信用证的私人信息告诉了她。 【trip】a movement from one place to another, usually a long distance.^旅行 We will go on a trip to Europe next month.^我们下个月要去欧洲旅行。/go on a trip:旅行/ 【troops】a number of soldiers in a large controlled group.^军队,部队 American and European troops are keeping peace in Yugoslavia.^美国和欧洲的军队在南斯拉夫维持和平。 【trouble】that which causes concern, fear, difficulty or problems.^麻烦,故障 He always has trouble starting his car.^他总是有困难把他的汽车发动起来。/have trouble:在…有困难/ 【truce】a temporary halt in fighting agreed to by all sides involved.^休战,休止 Fighting ended when the two sides agreed to a truce.^双方同意休战后,战斗结束了。 【truck】a heavy vehicle used to carry goods.^卡车,敞篷货车 The men loaded everything that I own into the truck.^那些人把我所有的家当装上了卡车。 【true】1、correct; 2、not false.^正确的;真实的 The news report was true.^那则新闻报道是正确的。 The woman made a true statement to the court.^那位妇女向法庭作了真实的陈述。/true statement:真实的陈述/ 【trust】to believe that someone is honest and will not cause harm.^信任,信赖 Many important people trusted him.^许多重要人物都信任他。 【try】1、to make an effort; 2、to take court action against a person to decide if he or she is guilty or innocent of a crime.^努力;审问 We will try to find her.^我们要努力找到她。 The court will try him next week.^法庭下星期要审问他。 【tube】1、a long, round structure through which liquids or gases can flow; 2、a long, thin container in which they can be kept.^管子;管 The patient breathed through a tube placed in his throat.^那位病人通过插在他喉咙里的一根管子呼吸。 The tube of toothpaste is empty.^那管牙膏空了。 【turn】1、to change direction; 2、to move into a different position; 3、to change color, form or shape.^拐弯,转方向;翻动;变化(颜色,形状等) Turn to the left at the next street.^在下一条街往左转。 Turn the meat so it will cook on both sides.^把肉翻一翻,这样两面都能煮到。 Her beautiful black hair turned white as years passed.^她那美丽的黑发随着岁月的流逝变白了。 --- end