R 【race】1、to run; 2、to take part in a competition to decide who or what can move fastest; 3、to take part in a campaign for political office; 4、one of the major groups that humans can be divided into because of a common physical similarity, such as skin color.^疾走;赛跑;竞选;种族 The cat and dog raced through the house.^小猫和小狗跑着穿过屋子。 Are you racing in the one hundred meter event?^你要参加100米赛跑吗? Her mother entered the race for mayor.^他妈妈参加了市长竞选。 All races of people are equal under the laws of the United States.^在美国的法律面前,所有种族的人都是平等的。 【radar】a device that uses radio signals to learn the position or speed of objects that may be too far away to be seen.^雷达,电波探测器 Radar can show if a storm is moving toward us.^如果有暴风雨临近,雷达可以显示出来。 【radiation】1、waves of energy from something that produces heat or light; 2、energy from a nuclear substance, which can be dangerous.^辐射;放射物 Radiation from the sun can burn our skin.^太阳的辐射可能会晒伤我们的皮肤。 Radiation from a nuclear explosion can kill.^核爆炸散发的放射物是致命的。 【radio】the system of sending and receiving signals or sounds through the air without wires.^收音机 Do you listen to VOA Special English on the radio?^你收听美国之音的特别英语广播吗? 【raid】1、to make a sudden attack; 2、a sudden attack.^奇袭 Police raided a number of houses where illegal drugs were sold.^警察突袭了几个非法出售毒品的房屋。 Thirty-eight people were arrested in the drug raid.^在这次毒品搜捕中一共逮捕了三十八个人。 【railroad】1、a road for trains; 2、a company that operates such a road and its stations and equipment.^铁路;铁路公司 The government has made a walking trail where the railroad was.^政府已经把原来的铁路改为步行街。 Railroads in the United States mostly carry products instead of passengers.^美国的铁路公司大都运输货物,而不运送旅客。 【rain】water falling from the sky.^雨,雨水 Rain has fallen for three days.^雨已经下了三天了。 【raise】1、to lift up; 2、to move to a higher position; 3、to cause to grow; 4、to increase.^提高;升起;种植;增加 Rising floodwaters raised the house and carried it away.^上涨的洪水把房屋飘起后冲走了。 The bridge raises so ships can pass under it.^桥架升高以便船能从下面穿过。 The farmer raises mostly corn and soybeans.^农民种的作物大部分是玉米和大豆。 Congress raised taxes.^国会增加了税收。 【rare】1、not common; 2、not usual; 3、not often.^珍贵的;稀有的;稀罕的 He has rare musical ability for a boy so young.^他的音乐才能在他同龄的男孩中很少见。 A warm day is rare this time of year.^每年的这个时候出现这种暖和天气是很不寻常的。 It is rare for me to get so many telephone calls.^这么多电话找我,对于我来说很稀奇。 【rate】1、speed; 2、a measure of how quickly or how often something happens; 3、the price of any thing or service that is bought or sold.^速度;比率;价格,费用 The old man reads at a slow rate.^那位老人看书速度很慢。 What is the patient's heart rate?^病人的心率是多少?/heart rate:心率/ The interest rate on home loans has increased.^住房贷款的利率提高了。/home loan:住房贷款/ 【reach】1、to put a hand toward; 2、to arrive at; 3、to come to.^伸出手;到达;达到 She reached out to take my hand.^她伸手抓住了我的手。 He reached home about six o'clock.^他大约六点钟到了家。 We will reach a decision soon.^我们会很快做出决定。/reach a decision:作出决定/ 【react】to act as a result of or in answer to.^起反应,起作用 How did she react to the news?^他对那则新闻怎么反应? 【read】to look at and understand the meaning of written words or numbers.^读,看,阅读 She reads four newspapers every morning.^她每天早上读四份报纸。 【ready】1、prepared; 2、completed; 3、organized; 4、willing.^准备完毕的;现成的;组织好的;甘心的,情愿的 They are ready to start the game.^他们准备好了开始比赛。/ready to start:准备开始/ Your food order is ready.^你们点的菜已经做好了。 The new Congress is ready to begin its work.^新国会已经组织好,可以开始工作了。 Who is ready to eat an insect?^谁愿意吃虫子? 【real】1、true; 2、truly existing; 3、not false.^真正的;真实存在的;真的 The real reason he came here was to see you.^他来这里的真正目的是看你。 He never believed in ghosts until he saw a real one.^在他亲眼看到鬼之前,他从来不相信有鬼。 That is a real diamond, not a copy.^那是真的钻石,不是仿制品。 【realistic】in agreement with the way things are.^现实(主义)的 He put a realistic price on his house and sold it very quickly.^他把房子按实际价格出售,很快就卖掉了。 【reason】1、the cause for a belief or act; 2、purpose; 3、something that explains.^理由;动机;原因 She did not believe his reason for leaving.^她不相信他离开的理由。 The reason he studies English is to get a better job.^他学习英语的原因是想找一份更好的工作。 Warmer water in the eastern Pacific Ocean is the reason for unusual weather in the Americas.^在美洲出现的不同寻常的天气是由东太平洋温暖的海水引起的。 【reasonable】1、ready to listen to reasons or ideas; 2、not extreme; 3、ready or willing to compromise.^通情达理的;合理的;讲道理的 The head of our office is a reasonable woman.^我们办公室的领导是一个通情达理的妇女。 They told him to come home at a reasonable hour.^他们让他在一个合适的时间回家。 They reached agreement because they were reasonable.^因为他们都很讲道理,所以他们之间达成了一个协议。 【rebel】1、to act against a government or power, often with force; 2、to refuse to obey; 3、one who opposes or fights against the government of his or her country.^造反;反抗;叛乱 The people rebelled against the government.^人民起来反抗政府。 My body rebels when I exercise too much.^我如果锻炼太多,身体就受不了。 Rebels fought to overthrow the government.^叛乱者为推翻政府而战斗。 【receive】to get or accept something given, offered or sent.^收到,接收 I received your letter today.^我今天收到了你的信。 【recent】a short time ago.^新近的,近来的 These are recent pictures of my family.^这些是我们一家最近拍的照片。 【recession】a temporary reduction in economic activity, when industries produce less and many workers lose their jobs.^工业之衰退,不景气 Will a big tax cut prevent a recession?^大规模减税会防止经济衰退吗? 【recognize】1、to know or remember something or someone that was known, known about or seen before; 2、to accept another nation as independent and establish diplomatic ties with its government.^认识,认出;承认,认可 He recognized his friend of many years ago.^他认出了多年以前的朋友。 Most nations recognized the newly independent country.^大多数国家都承认了这个新成立的国家。 【record】1、to write something in order to have it for future use; 2、to put sound or pictures in a form that can be kept and heard or seen again; 3、a writing that shows proof or facts about something.^记录;录制;纪录 He records each day what his teachers expect him to study at home.^他每天都把老师期望他在家学的部分记下来。 VOA Special English feature programs are recorded before they are broadcast.^美国之音慢速英语专题节目在播出之前是先录制好的。 A public record is kept of all home sales in this county.^一份公共档案保存了这个县所有国内销售的纪录。 【recover】1、to get again something that was lost, stolen or taken away; 2、to return to normal health or normal conditions.^重新获得;痊愈 The police recovered the stolen money.^警察找到了被偷的钱。 She is expected to recover from the operation.^她有望手术后康复。/recover from:从…收回,恢复/ 【red】having the color like that of blood.^红色的 Those red flowers are roses.^那些红色的花是玫瑰。 【reduce】1、to make less or smaller in number, size or amount; 2、to cut.^缩小;减少 She reduced her picture so it would fit in her passport.^她把照片缩小了尺寸,这样才符合护照的要求。 Congress voted to reduce taxes.^国会投票要求减税。 【reform】1、to make better by changing; 2、to improve; 3、a change to a better condition.^改革;改过 The Congress reformed the way candidates pay for political campaigns.^国会改革了候选人在政治大选活动中花费的方式。 He reformed his life by ending all use of tobacco and alcohol.^他改过自新,从此不吸烟不喝酒。 The voters approved reforms that will reduce air and water pollution.^投票者认可了减少空气和水污染的改革。 【refugee】a person who has been forced to flee because of unjust treatment, danger or war.^难民,流亡者 His family came to the United States as refugees.^他们一家人作为难民来到美国。 【refuse】1、to reject; 2、to not accept, give or do something.^拒绝 She refused his apology.^她拒绝接受他的道歉。 He refused to fight in the Vietnam War.^他拒绝参加越南战争。 【regret】a feeling of sadness or sorrow about something that is done or that happens.^抱歉,歉意 The President expressed regret that so many lives were lost.^总统对这么多人丧生深表遗憾。 【reject】to refuse to accept, use or believe.^拒绝 Colonel Travis rejected the General's demand.^特拉维斯上校拒绝了将军的要求。 【relations】1、understandings or ties between nations; 2、members of the same family; 3、people connected by marriage or family ties.^关系,联系;亲属;亲戚 The United States does not have diplomatic relations with Cuba.^美国和古巴没有外交关系。 Most of his relations live in California.^她的亲属大都住在加州。 He sees his wife's relations almost every week.^他每周都去看望他太太的亲戚。 【release】1、to free; 2、to permit to go; 3、to permit to be known or made public.^释放;放开;发表 The terrorists released their hostages.^恐怖分子释放了(他们的)人质。 The child released his balloon.^那个孩子放飞了气球。 The spokesman released details of the President's trip.^那位发言人公布了总统旅程的细节。 【religion】a belief in, or the honoring of, a god or gods.^宗教,信仰 The Constitution says the United States cannot establish an official religion.^美国宪法规定不准设立官方宗教(国教)。 【remain】1、to stay in a place after others leave; 2、to stay the same.^逗留;保持 She remained in the town after most of her friends left.^她的朋友们大都走了,但她还留在城里。 He has remained my friend for almost 50 years.^他一直都是我的好朋友,差不多50年了。 【remains】a dead body.^尸体,遗体 The soldier's remains were buried in the National Cemetery.^战士们的遗体埋葬在国家公墓里。 【remember】1、to think about the past; 2、opposite forget.^记得;记住做... I still remember stories that my grandfather told me.^我现在仍然记得我祖父讲的那些故事。 She told him to remember to call when he got home.^她要他记着回家后打电话。 【remove】1、to take away or take off; 2、to put an end to; 3、to take out of a position or office.^移开;摘除;开除 She removed her shoes as soon as she sat down.^她一坐下,就把鞋脱掉了。 Doctors removed his gall bladder.^医生摘除了他的胆囊。 The dishonest judge was removed from office.^那位不诚实的法官被开除出了公职。 【repair】work done to fix something.^修理 His car is being repaired.^他的汽车正在修理中。 【repeat】to say or do again.^重复 Please repeat what you said.^请再重复一下你的话。 【report】1、to tell about; 2、to give the results of a study or investigation; 3、the story about an event; 4、the results of a study or investigation; 5、a statement in which the facts may not be confirmed.^讲述;汇报;报导;报告;谣言 She reported about her holiday in Europe.^她跟我们讲述她在欧洲的假期。 The scientist reported the results of his experiment.^那位科学家汇报了他的实验结果。 Did you read the newspaper report about the accident?^你看到报纸上关于那次事故的报道了吗? The director said he was pleased with our budget report.^董事长说他对我们的预算报告很满意。 A report said 260 people were killed.^据报道,有260人丧生。 【represent】1、to act in the place of someone else; 2、to substitute for; 3、to serve as an example.^代表;代替;象征 She represents the people who could not be here.^她代表不能来的人。 On this map, X represents where the treasure is buried.^在这张地图上,X代表埋宝藏的地方。 This statue represents the skills of the ancient artists.^这座雕像表现了古代艺术家的技艺。 【repress】to control or to restrict freedoms by force.^压制 He repressed his people.^他对他的人民采取压制政策。 【request】1、to ask for; 2、the act of asking for.^请求;要求 She requested a glass of water.^她要了一杯水。 No one heard her request for help.^没有人听到她的请求帮助。 【require】to need or demand as necessary.^要求,需要 This job requires computer skills.^做这项工作要求具备计算机技术。 【rescue】to free from danger or evil.^援救,拯救 He rescued a little boy floating in the sea.^他救了一个漂在海上的小男孩。 【research】a careful study to discover correct information.^调查,研究 He made the discovery after many years of research.^经过多年的研究,他终于有所发现。 【resign】to leave a position, job or office.^辞职 The President has resigned.^总统辞职了。 【resist】1、to oppose; 2、to fight to prevent.^反抗;忍得住 He resists all demands for new elections.^他反对所有要求重新选举的请求。/demand for:要求…/ The baby resisted sleep for several hours.^这孩子不想睡觉,已经有好几个小时了。 【resolution】an official statement of agreement by a group of people, usually reached by voting.^决议,决定 The United Nations Security Council approved a joint cease-fire resolution.^联合国安理会通过了一个联合停火决议。 【resource】anything of value that can be used or sold.^资源 Our coal supplies are a great energy resource.^我们的煤炭供应是一个巨大的能量资源。 【responsible】1、having a duty or job to do; 2、being the cause of.^负责的;有责任的 He is responsible for preparing the report.^他负责准备那份报告。 They were responsible for the accident.^他们要对事故负责。 【rest】1、to sit, lie down or sleep to regain strength; 2、that which remains; 3、the others.^休息;剩余的东西;其余,其他 You should rest after your long walk.^你走了很长时间的路程,应该休息。 Would anyone like the rest of my dinner?^有谁愿意吃我剩下的食物? He spoke to the rest of them.^他和其他人说了话。 【restrain】1、to keep controlled; 2、to limit action by a person or group.^抑制;制止 He restrained his anger.^他克制了他的怒火。 Police restrained the protestors.^警察制止住了抗议者。 【restrict】1、to limit; 2、to prevent from increasing or becoming larger.^限制;限定 The government restricted travel.^政府限制旅游。 The device restricts the car's speed.^这个装置限定了汽车的速度。 【result】1、to happen from a cause; 2、that which follows or is produced by a cause; 3、effect.^由于;结果;后果 The accident resulted from the thick fog.^那起交通事故由于雾太大引起的。 The test results showed she was pregnant.^检查结果表明她怀孕了。 As a result of the storm, no one could get to work.^由于暴风雨的影响,没有人能够去上班。/as a result of:由于…的结果/ 【retire】to leave a job or position because one is old or in poor health.^退休 He retired at age 55 and traveled for the rest of his life.^他55岁退休以后就一直旅游。 【return】1、to go or come back; 2、to bring, give, take or send back.^返回;归还 She returned home yesterday.^她昨天回到了家。 I returned the book to the library last week.^我上星期把书还给了图书馆。 【revolt】1、to protest violently; 2、to fight for a change, especially of government.^反抗;起义,反叛 Demonstrators will revolt if police try to arrest them.^如果警察想逮捕示威者,他们就会反抗。 Protesters revolted and seized several government buildings.^抗议者发动了起义,并且占领了几座政府的大楼。 【rice】a food grain.^米饭 Rice is a major food in much of the world.^大米是世界上大多数人的主食。 【rich】1、having much money or goods; 2、having plenty of something.^富有的,有钱的;富饶的 Her brother became a rich man.^她哥哥成了一个富豪。 Oil made Kuwait a rich country.^石油使科威特成为一个富饶的国家。 【ride】1、to sit on or in and be carried along; 2、to travel by animal, wheeled vehicle, airplane or boat.^骑;乘(交通工具) She and I ride horses every weekend.^我和她每个周末都去骑马。 I ride the subway to work.^我乘地铁去上班。 【right】1、what a person legally and morally should be able to do or have; 2、agreeing with the facts; 3、good; 4、correct; 5、opposite wrong; 6、on the side that is toward the east when one is facing north; 7、opposite left.^权利;合乎事实的;合适的;正确的;对的;正面;往右边 It is their right to vote.^投票是他们的权利。 You gave the right answer.^你的回答是正确的。 He is the right kind of person for the job.^他是这份工作的合适人选。 She always seems to do the right thing.^她好像一直都在做正确的事。 She said she was right and he was wrong.^她说她是对的,而他错了。 Our farm is on the right side of the river.^我们的农场就在河的右侧。 Turn right, not left, at the second street.^走到第二条街的时候要往右拐,不是往左。 【riot】1、to act with many others in a violent way in a public place; 2、a violent action by a large group of people.^发生暴动;暴乱,骚乱 Prisoners rioted and started fires inside the prison.^犯人发生暴乱,开始在牢房里放火。 The riot spread from the football game to the streets.^骚乱从足球场一直蔓延到大街上。 【rise】1、to go up; 2、to go higher; 3、to increase; 4、to go from a position of sitting or lying to a position of standing.^上升;上涨;增加;起身 The moon will rise soon after the sun goes down.^太阳落山后,月亮很快就会出来。 The river is rising and spreading out.^河水在上涨,慢慢向两岸蔓延。 The temperature rises as the sun gets higher.^太阳逐渐升高,温度也随着升高了。 He rose to his feet as she walked into the room.^当她走进房间里时他站了起来。 【risk】the chance of loss, damage or injury.^冒险 He never considered the risk of a broken heart.^他从来没考虑过自己有会绝望的可能。 【river】a large amount of water that flows across land into another river, a lake or an ocean.^江,河 Native Americans called the big river "the Father of Waters."^土著美洲人把那条大河称作“江河之父”。 【road】a long piece of hard ground built between two places so people can walk, drive or ride easily from one place to the other.^路,道路,公路 The road was straight until it reached the mountains.^笔直的公路一直通到山脉。 【rob】1、to take money or property secretly or by force; 2、to steal.^偷窃;抢劫 Someone robbed his television.^有人偷了他的电视机。 The two men robbed her as she walked home from work.^她在下班回家的路上被两个人抢了东西。 【rock】a hard piece of mineral matter.^岩石,石头 He threw a rock across the river.^他朝河对岸扔了一块石头。 【rocket】a device shaped like a tube that moves through air or space by burning gases and letting them escape from the back or bottom, sometimes used as a weapon.^火箭 The huge rocket launched three men on a flight to the moon.^巨大的火箭载着三个人飞向月球。 【roll】1、to turn over and over; 2、to move like a ball.^滚,滚动;摇晃 The children rolled down the hill.^孩子们从山上滚了下来。 She rolled her eyes at his joke.^他的笑话让她翻了翻眼睛。 【room】a separate area within a building with its own walls.^房间 The boy spent hours playing in his room.^这个男孩在他房间里玩了几个小时。 【root】the part of a plant that is under the ground and takes nutrients from the soil.^根,根部 The roots brought food to the big tree and held it firmly in the ground.^根部供应养料给大树,并牢牢地扎根于地下。 【rope】a long, thick piece of material made from thinner pieces of material, used for tying.^绳子 The boy tied the end of the rope around the tree.^那个男孩把绳子的末端缠绕在树上。 【rough】1、not flat or smooth; 2、having an uneven surface; 3、violent; 4、not made well.^粗糙的;不平的;粗野的;大致的 The rough floor was made of wood, split by hand.^粗糙的地板,是用手工劈开的木头铺成的。 We found rough ground at the top of the mountain.^我们在山顶发现了一块高低不平的地面。 The strong wind made a rough sea.^海面上风大浪急。 The rough wall of stones did not stand straight.^石头砌成的粗糙墙面看上去不垂直。 【round】having the shape of a ball or circle.^球形的,圆的 The stone plate was perfectly round.^那个石板非常圆。 【rub】to move something over the surface of another thing.^擦,摩擦 The boy rubbed his hand over the cat's back.^那个男孩子抚摸着小猫的背。 【rubber】a substance made from the liquid of trees with the same name, or a similar substance made from chemicals.^橡皮 The ball was made of rubber.^这个球是用橡皮做成的。 【ruin】1、to damage severely; 2、to destroy.^使毁灭;使崩溃 The rain ruined the book he left outside.^他的书在外面被雨水淋坏了。 Time ruined the old building, leaving only fallen walls.^岁月使这座旧楼成为废墟,只剩下残垣断壁。 【rule】1、to govern or control; 2、to decide; 3、a statement or an order that says how something must be done.^统治,统领;裁决;制度 One party ruled the Senate; the other ruled the House of Representatives.^一个政党统领参议院,另一个政党统领众议院。 Five of nine Supreme Court judges ruled that the Republican should be President.^最高法院的九位法官中有五人裁决共和党出任总统。 The rules were not clear on how to count the votes.^如何清点选票的制度还不太清楚。 【run】to move quickly by steps faster than those used for walking.^跑,奔跑 Please walk, do not run, to the nearest door.^请走到最近的那扇门,不要跑过去。 --- end