Q 【quality】1、that which something is known to have or be; 2、amount of value or excellence.^性质;质量 An important quality of steel is its strength.^钢铁的一个最重要特性就是其强度。 Their goods are of the highest quality.^他们的货物是质量最好的。 【question】1、to ask; 2、to express wonder or disbelief; 3、a sentence or word used in asking for information; 4、a problem; 5、an issue to be discussed.^询问;怀疑;题目;问题;;讨论的议题 His father questioned him about the car.^他父亲询问他有关汽车的事。 She questioned if he really cooked the dinner.^她怀疑他是否真的做了晚餐。 Did you answer every question in the test?^测验中的每个问题你都答了吗? The question of a pay increase is blocking a new labor agreement.^加薪的问题阻碍了新劳动协议的进行。 The civil rights question is a big issue in the campaign.^公民权利问题是在竞选过程中的一个大的议题。 【quick】fast.^快的,迅速的 She made a quick decision.^她快速做出了决定。/她做了一个很快的决定。 【quiet】1、with little or no noise; 2、having little or no movement; 3、calm.^安静的;精止的;平静的 The room was so quiet he could hear his heart beat.^房间里很安静,他简直可以听得到心跳声。 The sea was quiet.^大海是平静的。/海面一片平静。 City streets were quiet on the night before Christmas.^圣诞节前夕的晚上,城市街道上很安静。 --- end