O 【obey】to act as one is ordered to act.^遵守 She said she became a judge because she believed that people must obey the laws.^她说她成为一名法官是因为她相信人们必须要遵守法律。 【object】1、to show that one does not like or approve; 2、to protest; 3、something not alive that can be seen or touched.^反对;抗议;物体 The lawyer said he would object if the disputed evidence was given.^律师说如果对方提供受争议的证据的话他将反对。 He objected strongly to the Senator's comment.^他强烈抗议参议员的评论。 She found a strange object near her house.^她在家附近发现了一个奇怪的物体。 【observe】1、to watch; 2、to look at carefully; 3、to celebrate or honor something.^看;观察;庆祝 She observed everyone who walked past her house.^她观察每一个经过她门口的人。 They observed the elections to report on possible violations of voting laws.^他们监视选举,报告可能违犯选举法的行为。 They will observe the anniversary of the day she was born.^他们会庆祝她的生日。 【occupy】to take and hold or to control by force.^占领 Soldiers occupied the town formerly controlled by rebels.^士兵占领了之前由叛军控制的城镇。 【ocean】1、the area of salt water that covers almost seventy-five percent of the earth's surface; 2、any of the five main divisions of this water.^海洋 We are going to the ocean for two weeks.^我们将会去大海两个星期。 He has sailed across the Pacific Ocean three times.^他已经穿越太平洋三次了。 【of】1、made from; 2、belonging to; 3、about; 4、connected to; 5、included among.^由...制成;属于;关于;与...有关;包含 Her ring is made of gold.^她的戒指是金子做的。 His son is a member of the Boy Scouts.^他的儿子是童子军的一员。 That movie is the story of a woman who wins one million dollars.^那影片是关于一个赢得一百万美金的女人的故事。 Someone broke the window of my car.^有人把我车的窗子打破了。 One of my brothers is a doctor.^我有个兄弟是个医生。 【off】1、away; 2、at a distance; 3、condition when something is no longer operating or continuing; 4、not on; 5、not connected.^离开 ;在远处 ;停止;关掉;没连接 She walked off without speaking.^她一言不发地走开了。 The lake was 10 miles off.^那湖有10里路远。 The game is off because of rain.^因为下雨,比赛中止了。/be off:离开,取消/ The electric power was off for three hours.^电源中断有三个小时的时间。 He took off the rope so his dog could run.^他把绳子松开让他的狗跑跑。 【offensive】1、a military campaign of attack; 2、having to do with attacking.^进攻;攻击性的 The government offensive began with an air attack.^政府的军事进攻从空袭开始。 The weapons included a new offensive missile that destroys radar centers.^武器包括能摧毁雷达中心的一种新型攻击性导弹。 【offer】1、to present or propose; 2、the act of presenting or proposing; 3、that which is presented or proposed.^提出;提供(行为) ;提供的物品 He offered to help her find her car.^他提出帮她找她的车。 Republican leaders made an offer to share power with the Democrats.^共和党领导提出与民主党共掌政权。/make an offer:出价,发盘,提出/ She got a job offere from a computer company in Texas.^她在一家德克萨斯的电脑公司里找到了一份工作。 【office】1、a room or building where business or work is done; 2、a public position to which one is elected or appointed.^办公室,办公大楼 ;职位 Her office is on the fortieth floor of the new building.^她的办公室在新大楼第四十层。 He was elected to the office of Vice President.^他被选任副总统。/Vice President:副总统(或大学副校长等)/ 【officer】1、a person in the military who commands others; 2、any person who is a member of a police force.^军官;警官 Her father is an army officer in Germany.^她父亲是德国军官。 Two police officers were honored for saving the lives of five people.^两名警官因为救了五个人的命而获荣誉。 【official】1、a person with power in an organization; 2、a representative of an organization or government; 3、of or about an office; 4、approved by the government or someone in power.^官员;公务员;文员 ;政府的,官方的 She is an official of our church council.^她是教会的一名官员。 Members of our local parents and teachers organization are electing an official to represent them at the state level.^我们当地父母与教师机构在选举一名人员在全国范围内代表他们。 She read about it in the official newspaper.^她在一份官方报纸上看到这。 An official statement said the labor strike would begin at midnight.^一份正式声明说罢工会在午夜开始。/official statement:正式声明,官方声明/ 【often】many times.^经常,常常 How often do you see each other?^你们多久见一次面? 【oil】1、a thick liquid that does not mix with water and that burns easily; 2、a black liquid taken from the ground and used as fuel.^油;石油 Oil for heating homes costs a lot more this year.^今年用来取暖的燃油价格要贵得多。 The president says America must produce more of the oil it needs.^总统说美国必须要生产更多的所需的石油。 【old】1、not young or new; 2、having lived or existed for many years.^老的,旧的;年久的 He has an old car and an old house.^他有一辆旧车和旧房子 The old tree has been growing for more than three hundred years.^那棵老树已经长了三百多年了。 【on】1、above and held up by; 2、touching the upper surface of; 3、supported by; 4、about; 5、at the time of.^在...之上;受...支撑;关于;在...时候 The clock is on the wall.^时钟在墙上。 The book is on the table.^那书在桌上。 He is on his feet.^他站着。 The report on the meeting is ready.^会议的报告已经准备好了。 He left on Wednesday.^他星期三走了。 【once】one time only.^曾经,一次,从前 We had dinner there once.^我们在那吃过一次饭。 【only】1、being the single one or ones; 2、no more than.^仅有,唯一 He was the only person here.^他是这里仅有的一个人。 We have only two dollars.^我们只有两美金。 【open】1、to start; 2、not closed; 3、not secret.^开始;开放;公开 They opened talks.^他们开始谈话。 We saw them through the open window.^我们从打开的窗口看见他们。 No secrets were discussed at the open meeting.^在公开的会议无秘密而言。/在公开会议上没有秘密被讨论。 【operate】1、to do work or a job; 2、to cut into the body for medical reasons.^操作;做手术 Her family operates a car repair business.^她家是做修车生意的。 Doctors will operate on him to remove a cancer.^医生会给他做手术去除癌症。/operate on:给…做手术/ 【opinion】a belief based on one's own ideas and thinking.^个人观点、思想 What is your opinion on the power crisis?^你对能源危机有什么想法?/power crisis:能源危机/ 【oppose】1、to be against; 2、to fight against.^反对;对抗 She opposes cutting trees in national forests.^她反对在国家森林里砍树。/national forest:国有森林/ Protesters promised to oppose attempts to put oil wells in wild areas of Alaska.^抗议者誓言反对任何在阿拉斯加野外建起油井的企图。 【opposite】1、as different as possible; 2、completely different from; 3、exactly the other way.^相对;对立面;不同 They worked on opposite sides of town.^他们在商业中心(镇上)的对面工作。/opposite sides:对面,对边/ The two men held opposite opinions on the war.^那两个人对战争持不同的意见。 North is the opposite direction from south.^北面相对于南面。 【oppress】1、to make others suffer; 2、to control by the use of unjust and cruel force or power.^压制;压抑,压迫 The Khmer Rouge used torture and murder to oppress the Cambodian people.^红色高棉利用折磨和杀戮来压迫柬埔寨人民。 The American colonists declared independence because Britain oppressed them with heavy taxes and brutal force.^美国殖民者宣布独立因为英国以暴力及苛捐杂税压迫他们。 【or】1、giving another of two choices; 2、giving the last of several choices.^或者;或 Would you like coffee or tea?^你想要咖啡还是茶? I could meet you at noon on Monday, Tuesday, or Friday.^我会在星期一、星期二或星期五中午见你。 【orbit】1、to travel in space around a planet or other object; 2、the path or way an object travels in space around another object or planet.^绕轨道而行;轨道 The spacecraft will orbit the moon three times.^飞船会绕着月球转三圈。 The satellite is in an orbit that will keep it always above the same place on Earth.^卫星会在始终使其保留在地球上同一位置的轨道上运行。 【order】1、to give a command; 2、to tell someone what to do; 3、a command; 4、the correct or normal way things are organized; 5、a peaceful situation in which people obey laws.^命令;顺序;秩序 The sergeant ordered the marching soldiers to halt.^那警官命令正行进的士兵停下来(立定)。 The court ordered election officials to count the votes again.^法庭命令选举官员重新点票。 You have no choice but to obey the order.^你别无选择,只能遵守命令。 The President spoke about a new world order.^总统讲的是新的世界秩序。 Police stopped the rioting and returned order to the city.^警察制止了暴乱,城市恢复了秩序。 【organize】1、to put in order; 2、to put together into a system.^组织 He needed a few minutes to organize his thoughts.^他需要一些时间来整理他的思维。 She will help him organize the material for his book.^她会帮他组织他出的书的资料。 【other】1、different; 2、of another kind; 3、the remaining one or ones of two or more.^不同的;另一的 Any other woman would have left him.^任何一个女子都会离他而去。 He wanted a life other than his own.^他想过一种超脱自我的生活。 That man is short; the other is tall.^那个人长得矮,另一个长得高。 【our】of or belonging to us.^我们的 We ate our dinner in the park.^我们在公园里吃晚饭。 【oust】1、to force to leave; 2、to remove by force.^驱逐;剥夺,取代 The soldiers ousted the farmers from the village.^士兵把农民从村里驱逐出来。 The rebels ousted the President.^造反者把总统推翻了。 【out】1、away from the inside; 2、opposite of in.^外面;向外 He walked out of the house.^他走出房子。 She was out of the office when I arrived.^当我到达的时候她不在办公室。 【over】1、above; 2、covering; 3、across, in or on every part of.^在...之上;覆盖;越过 She looked up as the plane flew over her.^当飞机在她头上飞过时她抬头看了看。 He pulled the blanket over his sleeping daughter.^他拉上毛毯盖住他正在熟睡的女儿。 She has traveled all over the world.^她已经游遍全世界。 【overthrow】1、to remove from power; 2、to defeat or end by force.^推翻;打倒 The people of Yugoslavia overthrew the President.^南斯拉夫人民推翻了总统。 The report said the generals were plotting to overthrow the government.^报道说将军们正密谋推翻政府。 【owe】to pay or have to repay (usually money) in return for something received.^付钱,欠债 How much do I owe you for the coffee?^这咖啡我要付多少钱? 【own】to have or possess for oneself.^拥有 He said he owned the car.^他说他有车。 --- end