K 【keep】1、to possess; 2、to have for oneself.^拥有;持有;保持 They kept the old house for a long time.^他们保有这老房子很久了。 He keeps most of the money that he earns.^他把持着自己赚的大部分钱。 【kick】to hit with the foot.^踢 How far can you kick the ball?^你能把这球踢多远? 【kidnap】to seize and take away by force.^绑架 The man kidnapped the boy but released him after the family paid him a million dollars.^那个男人绑架了那个男孩,但男孩的家付给他一百万美元之后,又把他放了。 【kill】1、to make dead; 2、to cause to die.^杀死;致死 The woman killed her three husbands for their money.^这女人为了金钱把她的3个丈夫都杀了。 The blight killed almost every chestnut tree in the United States.^在美国,枯萎病几乎弄死了所有的栗子树。/chestnut tree:栗树/ 【kind】1、sort; 2、gentle; 3、caring; 4、helpful.^种类;和蔼的;仁慈的;友善的 What kind of dog is that?^那是一条什么样的狗? He is a kind man.^他是个好人。/他是一个和蔼的人。 She was a kind mother to all her children.^对她所有的孩子来说,她是一个好母亲。 A kind old man told me where to find your house.^一位慈祥的老人告诉我在哪里可以找到你的房子。 【kiss】to touch with the mouth to show love or honor.^吻 Do you remember your first kiss?^你记得你的初吻吗? 【knife】a tool or weapon used to cut.^刀 The knife that he found was very sharp.^他找到的那把小刀非常锋利。 【know】1、to understand something as correct; 2、to have the facts about; 3、to recognize someone because you have met and talked together before.^知道;了解;认识(某人) I know the answer to your question.^我知道你的问题的答案。 Do you know how deep the river is here?^你知道这条河有多深吗? He knew her for many years.^他认识她很多年了。 【knowledge】1、that which is known; 2、learning or understanding.^知识;学问 A huge library in Alexandria, Egypt, was the world's center of knowledge 2,300 years ago.^2300年前的埃及亚历山大的大型图书馆是全世界的知识中心。 You can use the Internet computer system to find knowledge about a great many subjects.^你能通过计算机网络系统找到很多学科的知识。 --- end