F 【face】1、the front of the head: eyes, nose, month; 2、to look toward; 3、to turn toward; 4、to have before you, such as a problem or danger.^脸;面对;面向;面临 Put a smile on your face.^把微笑挂在你的脸上。 He faced the flag.^他面对着旗帜。 She faced left, then right.^她面向左,然后面向右。 The nation faced great danger.^国家面临着大的危险。 【fact】something known or proved to be true.^事实 The facts show that he spoke the truth.^事实证明他说的是真话。 【factory】a building or group of buildings where goods are made.^工厂 The shoe factory in our town is moving to Mexico.^我们城里的那座鞋厂正在迁往墨西哥。 【fail】1、to not succeed; 2、to not reach a goal.^失败;中断,没有通过 My car failed to start.^我的车启动不了。/fail to:未能…/ The leaders failed to reach a peace agreement.^首脑们未能达成和平协定。 【fair】1、just; 2、honest; 3、what is right^公平的;诚实的;正确的 The judge made a fair decision.^法官作了一个公平的判决。 He played the game fairly.^他诚实地(堂堂正正地)参加比赛。 It was only fair that she invite him to dinner.^她请他吃晚饭才是对的。 【fall】1、to go down quickly; 2、to come down; 3、to drop to the ground or a lower position.^坠落;落下;下降 The burning airplane fell from the sky.^燃烧着的飞机从天空中坠落下来。 The ball fell gently into my hands.^球缓缓地落在我的手上。 The snow melted as it fell.^雪落下来就融化了。 【false】1、not true; 2、not correct.^虚假的,不真实的;错误的 She made a false statement to the police.^她对警察作了虚假陈述。 The computer gave a false answer.^电脑给出一个错误答案。 【family】the group that includes children and their parents.^家庭 She has a large family.^她有一个大家庭。 【famous】known very well to many people.^有名的,著名的 He is a famous actor.^他是一位名演员。 【far】at, to or from a great distance.^远的,遥远的 John's home is far from here.^约翰的家离这里很远。 【farm】land used to grow crops and animals for food.^农场 His family owns a big farm in Kansas.^他家在堪萨斯拥有一个大的农场。 【fast】1、moving or working at great speed; 2、quick.^迅速的;快的 He said he could run as fast as a race horse.^他说他能跑得像赛马一样快。 My dog is a fast eater.^我的狗吃东西很快。 【fat】1、tissue in the bodies of humans and animals used to store energy and to keep warm; 2、thick; 3、heavy.^脂肪;肥的;厚的 She stays thin by not eating any fat.^她通过不吃一点肥肉来保持苗条。 Her dog looks fat, but all pugs look like that.^她的狗看起来肥,但是所有的哈巴狗看起来都那样。 The professor has published a fat book on world history.^教授出版了一本世界史的厚书。 【father】1、the male parent; 2、a man who has a child or children.^父亲;爸爸 Her father lives with them.^她的父亲与他们住在一起。 Are you a father?^你是一位父亲吗?/你当父亲了吗? 【fear】1、to be afraid; 2、to worry that something bad is near or may happen; 3、a strong emotion when there is danger or trouble.^害怕;担心;恐惧 He feared what he could not see.^他害怕自己看不见东西。/他害怕自己看不见的东西。 He feared falling down.^他惧怕摔倒。/fall down:倒塌,跌倒,失败/ He had a fear that he would fall down.^他害怕会摔下来。 【federal】of or having to do with a national or central government.^联邦的,联合的 She works for the federal government as a tax collector.^她作为一个收税人员在联邦政府工作。/federal government:联邦政府/ 【feed】to give food to.^喂养 How many times a day do you feed your dog?^你一天喂你的狗多少次? 【feel】1、to have or experience an emotion; 2、to know by touching.^感觉;感到,觉得 I feel sad because he is so far away.^我感到忧伤,因为他如此遥远。 I feel sand between my toes.^我感觉到脚趾间的沙。 【female】1、a woman or girl; 2、the sex that gives birth; 3、of or about women.^女性;雌的;女(性)的 With a wife and three daughters, he was surrounded by females.^有一个妻子和三女儿,他被女性包围着。 Females have babies.^女人生孩子。/雌性动物会生孩子 Universities provide more support now for female sports programs.^现在大学为女性体育节目提供更多的支持。 【fence】something around an area of land to keep animals or people in or out.^栅栏,围墙 The farmer put up a new fence around the field.^农夫在地里建起了一道新的栅栏。/put up:举起,抬起,竖起/ 【fertile】1、rich in production of plants or animals; 2、producing much.^肥沃的;富饶的,有繁殖力的 The farmer's fertile soil produces huge crops.^农场主肥沃的土壤盛产庄稼。 The writer has a fertile imagination.^作家有丰富的想象力。 【few】1、not many; 2、a small number of.^很少的;少数的 Few people have ever seen such an unusual bird.^见过这种怪鸟的人不多。 I have a few ideas about how to solve the problem.^如何解决这个问题,我有一些想法。 【field】an area of open land, usually used to grow crops or to raise animals.^原野,田地,牧场 The farmer kept cows in two of his fields.^农夫把牛放在他的两块田地上饲养。 【fierce】1、extremely strong; 2、violent; 3、angry.^凶猛的;猛烈的;愤怒的 The fierce storm caused much damage.^猛烈的暴风雨造成许多损坏。 The soldiers fought fiercely.^士兵激烈地战斗。 The angry demonstrators shouted fiercely.^愤怒的游行示威者们在怒吼。 【fight】1、to use violence or force; 2、to attempt to defeat or destroy an enemy; 3、the use of force; 4、a battle.^打架;战斗;搏斗;战役 The two boys were fighting about who would be first.^那两个男孩为争第一而大打出手。 The two armies fought fiercely to destroy each other.^两支军队为摧毁对方而激烈地战斗。 The fighting failed to push rebel forces from the city.^战斗没能把叛军逐出城去。 The two sides exchanged charges in the continuing political fight.^在持续的政治斗争中,双方相互指控。 【fill】to put or pour something into a container until there is space for no more.^装满,填充 Jack filled his cup with hot coffee.^杰克自己倒了杯热咖啡。 【film】1、to record something so it can be seen again; 2、to make a motion picture or movie; 3、a thin piece of material for making pictures with a camera; 4、a movie.^拍摄(电影);胶卷,电影 He filmed the complete ceremony.^他拍摄(摄制)了完整的典礼。 She filmed the movie in New York.^她在纽约拍了这部电影。 My camera needs more film.^我的照相机需要更多的胶卷。 My favorite film is Saving Private Ryan.^我最喜爱的电影是“拯救大兵瑞恩”。 【final】1、at the end; 2、last.^最终的;最后的 Tomorrow is the final day of winter.^明天是冬季里最后的一天。 We won our final baseball game of the season.^我们赢得了本季度最后一场棒球赛。 【financial】of or about the system that includes the use of money, credit, investments and banks.^财政的,金融的 The growing political crisis could weaken our financial system.^日益加深的政治危机削弱了我们的金融体系。/financial system:财政体制,金融体系/ 【find】1、to discover or learn something by searching or by accident; 2、to decide a court case.^发现;判决 He found a new book by his favorite writer.^他找到了他最喜欢的作者的一本新书。 The jury found the man guilty of murder.^陪审团认定那个男人犯了谋杀罪。 【fine】1、a payment ordered by a court to punish someone for a crime; 2、very good; 3、very small or thin.^罚金;很好的;细薄的 The court ordered him to pay a 500-dollar fine.^法庭判令他支付500美元罚金。 She did fine work for our company.^她为我们的公司做了很出色的工作。 He drew a fine line under the word.^他在那个词下面画了条很细的线。 【finish】1、to complete; 2、to end.^完成;结束 He finished reading the book.^他把这本书读完了。 She finished her cup of tea.^她把杯中的茶水喝完了。 【fire】1、to shoot a gun; 2、the heat and light produced by something burning.^射击;火,火灾 He fired a warning shot and shouted, Police.^他开了警告性的一枪,接着喊到:“警察”。 The fire warmed our hands.^火温暖了我们的手。 【fireworks】rockets producing bright fire in the sky, used in holiday celebrations.^烟火 We watched the fireworks for thirty minutes.^我们看了三十分钟放烟花。 【firm】not easily moved or changed.^坚定的,稳固的 She is firm in her opinion.^她坚持己见不动摇。/be firm in:坚决,坚定/ 【first】coming before all others.^第一 Tom was the first person I saw.^汤姆是我看见的第一个人。 【fish】a creature that lives and can breathe in water.^鱼 How many fish did you catch?^你捕到多少鱼? 【fit】to be of the correct size or shape.^适合的 These shoes fit my feet.^这些鞋适合我的脚。 【fix】to make good or right again.^修理好 He was able to fix his car without help.^他能在没有帮助的情况下修理他的汽车。 【flag】a piece of colored cloth used to represent a nation, government or organization.^旗 The United States flag has fifty stars.^美国国旗有五十颗星。 【flat】1、smooth; 2、having no high places.^平滑的;平坦的 He paints pictures on flat pieces of wood.^他在一些平滑的木块上画画。 The land is flat in most parts of the state of Kansas.^堪萨斯州大部分地方地势平坦。 【flee】to run away from.^逃离 He tried to flee but the police caught him.^他设法逃跑但是警察抓住了他。 【float】1、to be on water without sinking; 2、to move or be moved gently on water or through air.^浮在水面;飘浮 The boat floated on top of the water.^小船漂浮在水上。 The balloon rose into the air and floated away.^气球升空后漂走了。 【flood】1、to cover with water; 2、the movement of water out of a river, lake or ocean onto land.^淹没;洪水泛滥 The rising waters flooded much of the town.^上升的大水淹没了城市的很多地方。 The flood began to go down when the rain stopped.^当雨停止的时候,洪水开始下落。 【floor】1、the bottom part of a room for walking on; 2、the level of a building.^地面;楼层 The book fell to the floor.^书掉到地板上了。 The fire was on the first floor.^火灾是从一楼开始的。 【flow】to move like a liquid.^流动 The oil flowed through the engine.^油渗过发动机流出来。 【flower】the colored part of plants that carry seeds.^花 The field was covered by blue and red flowers.^田野里长满了蓝色和红色的鲜花。 【fluid】any substance that can flow, such as a liquid.^液体 The fluid on the floor was a harmless chemical.^在地板上的液体是无害的化学制品。 【fly】1、to move through the air with wings, like a bird or airplane; 2、to travel in an airplane or flying vehicle.^飞行;乘飞机 Birds fly high in the sky.^鸟在天空中高飞。 Walter will fly to Los Angeles tomorrow morning.^沃尔特明天早晨将乘飞机去洛杉矶。 【fog】a mass of wet air that is difficult to see through.^雾 The fog slowed traffic for several hours.^雾延缓了交通几个小时。 【follow】1、to come or go after; 2、to accept the rule or power of; 3、to obey.^跟随;遵循;服从 He asked us to follow him to his house.^他请我们跟随他去他家。/follow...to:跟随…到达某地/ He follows the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.^他遵循罗马天主教堂的教义。/Roman Catholic:天主教会的/Roman Catholic Church:天主教堂/ The official said he followed the orders of the President's lawyer.^那个官员说他接受了总统律师的指示。 【food】that which is taken in by all living things for energy, strength and growth.^食物,养料 He wanted to get food for hungry people.^他想要为饥饿的人们弄到食品。 【fool】1、to make someone believe something that is not true; 2、to trick; 3、a person who is tricked easily.^愚弄;开玩笑;傻瓜 Her lies fooled a lot of people.^她的谎话欺骗了许多人。 He fooled people to get what he wanted.^他愚弄人们,以求得到想要的东西。 Being tricked made him feel like a fool.^被人恶作剧使他觉得象个傻瓜。 【foot】the part of the body that touches the ground when a person or animal walks.^脚 Her foot hurts because she stepped on a sharp rock.^她感到脚很疼,因为踩到了一块锐利的岩石。 【for】1、because of; 2、in exchange; 3、through space or time; 4、representative of; 5、to be employed by.^因为;交换;经过的时间或空间;代表;受雇于 He is famous for his work.^他因他的工作而闻名。/be famous for:因…而著名/ Give me one dollar for the book.^给我一美元,你就可以拿这本书。 They traveled for one hour.^他们旅行了一小时。 I speak for all people.^我代表人民说话。/speak for:代表…讲话,为…辩护/ She works for a computer company.^她为一家电脑公司工作。/work for:受雇于,为…而工作/ 【force】1、to make someone do something or make something happen by using power; 2、power, strength; 3、strength used against a person or object; 4、military power of a nation; 5、a military group.^强迫;力量;武装;军力;军队 They forced him to go with them.^他们强迫他跟他们一起走。 The bomb exploded with great force.^炸弹带着强大的冲击力爆炸了。 He used powerful force to lift the fallen tree from her body.^他用强大的力量把倒下来压在她身上的树提了起来。 The President said he will use the full force of the country against foreign invaders.^总统说他将全国的武装力量来对付外国入侵者。 A Navy and Marine Corps landing force is on its way to the troubled island.^海军和海军陆战队的登陆部队正在开往那座动乱的海岛。/Marine Corps:海军陆战队/landing force:登陆部队/ 【foreign】1、of, about or from another nation; 2、not from one's own place or country.^外国的;外来的 The United States has diplomatic relations with almost every foreign nation.^美国几乎和每一个国家都建立了外交关。 Foreign products seem to cost less than most products made here.^外国产品的价格似乎比这里生产的绝大部分产品更低一点。 【forest】a place of many trees.^树林,森林 New laws prevent companies from cutting all the trees in the forest.^新法律防止公司砍倒森林里的全部树木。/prevent from:阻止,防止/ 【forget】to not remember.^忘记 The man was in trouble because he forgot his wedding anniversary.^那个男人遇到麻烦了,因为他忘记了他的结婚周年纪念日。 【forgive】1、to pardon; 2、to excuse; 3、to remove guilt.^原谅;饶恕;赦免 A pardon by the President forgives a criminal for the crime.^总统的赦令宽恕了这个犯人犯的罪。/forgive for:原谅(某人)做了(某件错事)/ I forgive you for taking my car.^我原谅你用了我的车。 Please forgive me for being late.^请原谅我迟到了。 【form】1、to make; 2、to start; 3、to shape; 4、a kind.^构成;组成;塑造;形式 We formed a plan before starting the project.^我们在开始项目之前制定了一个计划。/form a plan:拟计划/ They formed a swim team.^他们组成了一个游泳队。 She formed the clay bottle with her hands.^她用她的手塑造这个黏土瓶子。 Swimming is a form of exercise.^游泳是运动的一种形式。 【former】1、earlier in time; 2、not now.^从前的;以前的 At a former time, Philadelphia was the national capital.^在从前,费城是国家的首都。 His former wife lives across the street from him.^他的前妻住在他对面的街道上。 【forward】1、the direction in front of; 2、toward the front.^向前;在前 The group with the flags was 10 meters forward of the rest of the parade.^举着旗的团队在其余游行的队伍的10米的前方。 The men stepped forward when the sergeant commanded, "Forward, march".^当警官命令“齐步走!”时,那些人向前跨步。 【free】1、to release; 2、not controlled by another or by outside forces; 3、not in prison; 4、independent; 5、not limited by rules; 6、without cost.^释放;不受控制的;出狱了的;自由的;不受规则限制的;免费的 He was freed at the end of the trial.^审判结束后他被释放。/at the end of:在…结尾,在…末端/ For the first time, she felt free as a bird.^她头一次觉得像鸟儿一样自由。 He was a free man after being found not guilty.^在被判决无罪后,他就自由了。/be found (not) guilty:被判决有(无)罪/ The United States is a free nation.^美国是一个自由的国家。 After his final day of studies, he was free from all the rules of school.^在他结束学习的那天,他不受学校任何规定的束缚。/be free from:免于...,不受......的/ The prize she won was a free ride in an airplane.^她获得的奖品是免费乘飞机。 【freedom】the condition of being free.^自由 Many people in history have died for freedom.^历史上很多人为自由而死。 【freeze】1、to cause or to become very cold; 2、to make or to become hard by cold.^冷冻;冷藏 You will freeze unless you wear a coat.^除非你穿上大衣,否则你会冻僵。 She freezes food and stores it in her freezer.^她把食物冷冻之后存放在冷库里。 【fresh】1、newly made or gathered; 2、recent.^新鲜的;新近的 His garden produces fresh vegetables every day.^他的菜园每天产出新鲜蔬菜。 The lawyer criticized the fresh evidence found by police.^律师抨击了警察发现的新证据。 【friend】a person one likes and trusts.^朋友 The two men have been friends for more than fifty years.^那两个男人做了50多年的朋友。 【frighten】to cause great fear.^使惊吓,使害怕 Loud noises frighten my daughter.^巨大的噪音使我女儿害怕。 【from】1、having a person, place or thing as a beginning or cause; 2、at a place distant, not near; 3、because of.^来自;从( ... 起);因为 It is a message from the president.^这是从校长那来的通知。 The school is five kilometers from my home.^从我家到学校有五公里。 He is suffering from cancer.^他因为癌症而受苦。/suffer from:患(某种病),受(某种病痛)折磨/ 【front】1、the forward part; 2、the opposite of back; 3、the beginning; 4、the first part.^前面;前部;开头;前头 The front of her house needs painting.^她家房子的前面需要涂漆。 She wanted to sit in the front of the bus, not in the back.^她想坐在公共汽车的前面,而不是坐在后面。/in the front of:在最前面,在最重要的位置/ They were at the front of the line waiting to buy tickets.^他们在队的最前面等着买票。/be at the front:在前线,在前面/ He said the best part was toward the front of the book.^他说这本书的精华在于它的开头部分。 【fruit】food from trees and plants.^水果 Much of the fruit fell from the tree.^很多水果从树上掉下来。 【fuel】any substance burned to create heat or power.^燃料 Which kind of fuel do you use to heat your home?^你喜欢用哪种燃料来给房间供暖? 【full】1、containing as much as a person or thing can hold; 2、complete.^满的,充满的;完全的 The gasoline tank is full.^油箱满满的。 He will spend the full week away from the office.^他要离开办公室整整一周。/away from:远离/ 【fun】anything that is pleasing and causes happiness.^令人开心的事或人 The children had fun at the birthday party.^孩子们在生日庆祝会上很开心。 【funeral】a ceremony held in connection with the burial or burning of the dead.^葬礼 After the funeral, the President's remains were buried at Arlington National Cemetery.^葬礼之后,总统的骨灰葬在阿灵顿国家公墓。 【future】1、time after now; 2、in the time to come.^将来;未来 We can talk about it in the future.^我们可以在以后谈论这事。 All future meetings will be held in this room.^所有未来的会议都在这间屋子里举行。 --- end