E 【each】every one by itself.^每,每个 Each of us sang a different song in the show.^我们每人在表演时唱了一首不同的歌。 【early】1、at or near the beginning, especially the beginning of the day; 2、opposite late.^早的,早期的 They saw her walking early this morning.^他们今天一大早看见她走过。 A few arrived late, but most were early.^有几个人迟到,大部分人都很早。 【earn】to be paid in return for work done.^赚 She earns 40,000 dollars a year.^她一年挣40,000美元。 【earth】1、the planet we all live on; 2、the ground or soil.^地球;土地 Have you seen the picture of earth made from the moon's surface?^你看过从月亮上面拍的地球的照片吗? The sun warmed the black earth of the farmer's field.^太阳把农夫田里的黑土晒暖了。 【earthquake】a sudden, violent shaking of the earth's surface.^地震 The earthquake caused severe damage to bridges and buildings in Los Angeles.^地震使在洛杉矶的桥梁和建筑物受到严重损害。 【ease】1、to reduce; 2、to make less difficult.^减弱;使容易,使安心 The rate of economic inflation eased last month.^经济通货膨胀的速度上月开始放慢。/economic inflation:经济膨胀/ The new equipment helped ease his job.^新设备帮助减轻他的工作。 【east】the direction from which the sun rises.^东方 The sun rises in the east and goes down in the west.^太阳东升西落。 【easy】1、not difficult; 2、not hard to do.^容易的;易做的 His English is easy to understand.^他的英语容易懂。 She says that running five kilometers is easy for her.^她说跑5公里对她来说是容易的。 【eat】to take food into the body through the mouth.^吃 Can you eat now, or do you want to eat later?^你要现在吃饭还是想待会儿才吃? 【ecology】the scientific study of the environment and links among living and material things.^生态学 She is an expert on the ecology of wetlands.^她是一个湿地生态学方面的专家。 【economy】the system by which money, industry and trade are organized.^经济 Many people hope the economy will continue to grow.^许多人都希望经济能继续增长。 【edge】the line where something ends or begins.^边缘 Do not write near the edge of the paper.^不要在纸张的边缘附近写东西。 【education】the act of teaching.^教育 Congress approved the spending of 450 million dollars for aid to education.^国会批准开销4亿5千万美元资助教育。 【effect】the result or change caused by something.^效果,影响 The storm had a serious effect on the economy.^暴风雪严重影响了经济。 【effort】1、an attempt; 2、the work necessary to do something.^努力,尝试;成果 The boy made an effort to help his mother.^男孩努力帮助他的母亲。/make an effort:作出努力/ Climbing the mountain required great effort.^爬山需要很大的努力。 【egg】1、the rounded object containing unborn young produced by female birds, fish or reptiles; 2、a single cell in a female person or animal that can develop into a baby.^鸡蛋;卵子 Sea turtles bury their eggs in the sand.^海龟把它们的蛋埋藏在沙里。 Human eggs can be transplanted from one woman to another.^人的卵子可以从一位妇女身上移植到另一位妇女身上。 【either】one of two, but not the other.^两者中的一个或另一个 Can either of you tell me how to get to the airport?^你们两个谁能告诉我怎么去机场吗? 【elect】to choose by voting.^选,选举 The voters elected the state governor as President of the United States.^那些选民选举州长为美国的总统。 【electricity】a form of energy that flows through wires to provide heat and light, and power to machines.^电,电力 We did not have electricity or clean water after the storm.^暴风雪过后,我们没有电和洁净水。 【embassy】the offices of an ambassador and his or her assistants.^大使馆 All foreign embassies are in Washington.^全部外国大使馆都在华盛顿特区。 【emergency】an unexpected and dangerous situation demanding quick action.^紧急情况,非常事态 The President declared a wildfire emergency in New Mexico.^总统宣布新墨西哥州的山火为紧急情况 【emotion】a strong feeling such as love, hate, fear or sadness.^(强烈的)情感或情绪 The dispute produced strong emotions on both sides.^这场争论触发了双方激烈的情感。 【employ】to give work in return for wages.^雇用,聘用 Jane is employed as a prison guard.^简被聘用为监狱看守。 【empty】1、having nothing inside; 2、to remove everything.^空的,空洞的;腾出 The house was empty.^房子是空的。/屋子里空无一人。 The old man emptied his glass and asked for more water.^老人喝干杯子里的水后又要水喝。 【end】1、to stop; 2、to finish; 3、the part which comes last.^结束;完成;终端 The chairman ended the meeting.^主席结束了会议。 The year ended peacefully.^这一年平静地过去了。 We were happy to reach the end of the project.^我们很高兴达到了项目。 【enemy】1、a person opposing or hating another; 2、a person or people of the other side in a war.^仇敌;敌人 The two men were fierce political enemies.^他们两人是政治宿敌。 Enemy soldiers attacked allied forces on the island.^敌方士兵在岛上攻击盟军。 【energy】1、power used to do work, usually with machines; 2、the ability and willingness to be active.^能量;精力 Electricity provides most of the energy in our city.^电力为我们城市提供了绝大部分能源。 You can increase your energy by eating healthy food and exercising every day.^你可以通过每天吃有益于健康的食品和做运动来提高精力。 【enforce】to make something be done.^实施,执行 Police enforce the law.^警察执法。 【engine】a machine that uses energy to cause movement or to do work.^发动机,引擎 He says his car's engine will not start.^他说他汽车的发动机无法启动。 【engineer】a person who designs engines, machines, roads, bridges or railroads.^工程师 He worked as an engineer in the space program.^他是太空项目中的一位工程师。 【enjoy】to be pleased or satisfied by something.^享受,欣赏,喜爱 Did you enjoy the movie?^你喜欢这电影吗? 【enough】1、as much as necessary; 2、the amount needed.^足够的; 充足的(钱,物) Does Richard have enough money to buy her a ring?^理查德有足够的钱为她买一枚戒指吗? Richard said he had enough.^理查德说他已经够了(有足够的钱)。 【enter】to come or go into.^进入 They entered the store together.^他们一起进了那家商店。 【environment】1、all surrounding things, conditions and influences that affect life; 2、the natural world of land, sea, air, plants and animals.^环境因素;自然环境 The group support stronger laws to protect the environment from industrial pollution.^这个团体支持用更强的法律来保护自然环境免受工业污染。 Tell us what we can do to prevent further damage to our natural environment.^告诉我们,我们能做什么来防止对我们自然环境的更大损害。 【equal】1、the same in amount, size, weight or value; 2、having the same rights.^同等的;平等的 Each of them provided an equal amount of money to start the new business.^他们每个人都提供了等量的金钱来开办这个企业。 The amendment guaranteed that men and women would have equal rights.^(法律)修正案保证了男女权力平等。 【equipment】things, tools or machines needed for a purpose or activity.^设备,装备 Jack has all the equipment we will need for our camping trip.^杰克有我们露营将需要的全部设备。 【escape】1、to get free; 2、to get away from; 3、to get out of.^逃脱;避开;溜走 The lion escaped from his cage.^狮子从笼子里逃了出去。 Three prisoners escaped from their guards.^三个囚犯摆脱看守逃跑了。 No one could escape from the high security prison.^谁也逃不出高度设防的监狱。 【especially】more than others.^特别地 We liked the food, especially the fish.^我们喜欢食物,特别是鱼。 【establish】1、to bring into existence; 2、to create.^建立;创立 Mister Jenkins established his business 23 years ago.^詹金斯先生23年以前创建他的生意。 Scientists have established a new way to communicate with creatures anywhere in the universe.^科学家已经创立了一种新方式来跟宇宙里任何地方的生物(人或动物)联系。 【estimate】to form an opinion about a value, size or amount using less than complete information.^估计,评估 The media have failed in their attempts to estimate the winners of national elections.^在评估全国大选的赢家时,媒体做的努力失败了。 【ethnic】of or concerning people belonging to a large group because of their race, religion, language, tribe or where their ancestors lived.^少数民族的,种族的 Jay and Cindy enjoy eating ethnic food as often as possible.^杰伊和辛迪喜欢经常吃少数民族的食物。 【evaporate】to change from a liquid into a gas.^蒸发,消失 Water evaporates more quickly during dry weather.^当天气干燥时水蒸发的更加迅速。 【even】in a way not thought possible.^甚至,即使 They survived, even though the building was destroyed.^尽管大楼被破坏,他们还是幸存下来了。 【event】that which happens, especially something of importance.^事件,大事 Swearing in a new President is a big event in Washington.^新总统的就职宣誓是华盛顿的一件大事。/swear in:使宣誓就职/ 【ever】at any time.^在任何时候;究竟 Did you ever meet Joseph's wife?^你曾经见到约瑟夫的妻子吗? 【every】1、each one; 2、all.^每一个;全部 Every winner gets a different prize.^每个优胜者都将得到一个不同的奖品。 She has read every book in the library.^她已阅读了这家图书馆里的每一本书。 【evidence】1、material or facts that prove something; 2、a reason for believing.^证据;令人相信的理由 The evidence proves the suspect is guilty.^这个证据证明该疑犯有罪。 Children do not need evidence to believe in Santa Claus.^孩子们不需要什么理由就可以相信圣诞老人。 【evil】1、not good; 2、extremely bad.^邪恶的;极坏的 He had an evil plan.^他又一个邪恶的计划。 Only a truly evil person would treat a child so badly.^只有极坏的恶人才会这样恶毒地对待孩子。 【exact】1、having no mistakes; 2、correct in every detail.^精确无误的;正确的 That is the exact number of students present.^这是出席学生的确切数字。 His reports were exact in every way.^他的报告在每一方面都是精确的。 【examine】to study closely.^检查,审查 The judge examined the evidence carefully.^法官仔细审查证据。 【example】a part that shows what the rest of a thing or group is like.^例子 Her success is an example of the results of a good education.^她的成功是受到良好教育的结果的一个例子。 【excellent】extremely good.^极好的,杰出的 George is excellent at cooking French food.^乔治在烹调法国菜方面堪称一流。 【except】but for.^除了 Except for Joe, everyone wanted to help.^除了乔,每个人都想来帮忙。/except for:除…之外/besides:prep.(表示排斥)除…之外(还有)/ 【exchange】1、to trade; 2、to give or receive one thing for another.^交易;交换 He exchanged his shares of stock for a cash payment.^他把他的股份兑换成现金支付。/share stock:股票,股份/share of stock:〔法〕股票/cash payment:现金付款/ The two sides exchanged ideas on a peace agreement.^双方就和平协定交换了看法。 【excuse】1、to take away blame; 2、to pardon; 3、to forgive; 4、a reason (sometimes false) for an action.^找借口;原谅;宽恕;辩解 He excused himself for lying to her.^他为他自己对她撒谎而辩解。 A governor's pardon excuses the prisoner's criminal act.^州长的赦免原谅了囚犯的犯罪行为。 Please excuse me for speaking your language so poorly.^请原谅我说你们的语言时很蹩脚。 Missus Warner refused to accept her husband's excuse for what he did.^华纳太太拒绝接受丈夫对自己所作所为的辩解。/excuse for:就〔因〕…原谅(某人)/ 【execute】to kill.^处决 What is the state's argument for executing murderers?^国家支持处决谋杀犯的观点是什么? 【exercise】an activity or effort for the purpose of improving the body or to stay in good health.^练习,运动 Doctors say a half hour of exercise several times a week can prevent heart attacks.^医生说一周做几次半小时运动能防止心脏病发作。 【exile】1、to force a person to leave his or her country; 2、to expel; 3、a person who is forced to leave his or her country.^流放;驱逐;流亡者 The writer was exiled because his book criticized the government.^这个作家被流放到国外因为他的书批评了政府。 The new government exiled the former dictator.^新政府流放了前独裁者。 After the fall of the communist government, exiles were able to return home.^那个政府倒台之后,许多流亡国外的人可以回国了。 【exist】1、to be; 2、to live.^存在 Many of the documents needed by the court no longer exist.^法庭需要的许多官方文件已经不复存在。 How long has life existed on Earth?^生命在地球上存在多久了? 【expand】1、to make larger; 2、to grow larger.^扩张;发展 The mayor expanded the police force to stop an increase in crimes.^市长扩大了警察队伍的力量,以便遏制犯罪率上升。 This economy is expanding at a rate of four percent a year.^这个经济体正以每年百分之四的比率膨胀。 【expect】1、to think or believe that something will happen; 2、to wait for an event.^期待,预期;盼望 Do you expect an increase in pay this year?^你预期今年会增加工资吗? Tom and Mary Ann are expecting a new baby in August.^汤姆和玛丽安期待着在八月生孩子。 【expel】1、to force out; 2、to remove from; 3、to send away.^驱逐;开除;移开 The dishonest officers were expelled from the military forces.^不诚实的军官被开除出军队。 The students were expelled for bringing alcohol to school.^学生因为带酒精进入学校被开除。 Some of the exiles were expelled for religious reasons.^一些流放者由于宗教原因被驱除。 【experience】1、to live through an event, situation or condition ; 2、something that one has done or lived through.^经历;经验 She experienced great pain.^她经历巨大的痛苦。 The experience caused her great pain.^这次经历给她带来巨大痛苦。 【experiment】1、to test; 2、a test or trial carried out to prove if an idea is true or false, or to discover something.^尝试;实验 The candidate said he experimented with marijuana when he was a student.^这位候选人说他做大学生时试吸过大麻。 The medical experiments showed that the new medicine was not effective against cancer.^医学实验表明新药对癌症无效。 【expert】a person with special knowledge or training.^专家 She is an expert on nuclear disarmament.^她是一个核裁军的专家。/nuclear disarmament:裁减核武器协定/ 【explain】1、to give reasons for; 2、to make clear; 3、to tell about; 4、to tell the meaning.^解释;说明;叙述;阐明 Linda explained to her father why she wanted a big wedding.^琳达对她父亲解释了她要盛大婚礼的原由。 The president explained in detail his plan to send American soldiers to the troubled area.^总统详细解释他的派遣美军去动乱区域的计划。 Wyatt explained the steps he used to solve the budget problem.^怀亚特解说了他用来解决预算问题的的步骤。 Justin was asked to explain the effects of his solution on all sides in the dispute.^贾斯廷被要求解释他的解决方案对争论各方产生的影响。/on all sides:在…各个方向,到处/ 【explode】to break apart violently with a loud noise, like a bomb.^爆炸 The criticism made him explode in anger.^批评使他勃然大怒。 【explore】1、to travel in a place that is not well known to learn more about it; 2、to make a careful search; 3、to examine closely.^探险;探测;探究 A team led by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark explored the land west of the Mississippi River almost two hundred years ago.^梅里维特·刘易斯和威廉·克拉克领导的探险队在接近200年前就探测了密西西比河以西的土地。 The spacecraft explored the solar system to search for signs of life.^宇宙飞船探测了太阳系,寻找生命迹象。 The committee explored every possibility before deciding what to do.^在决定做什么之前,委员会探究每种可能性。 【export】1、to send to another country; 2、something sent to another country, usually for sale.^出口;出口物 The United States has been importing much more from Asia than it exports.^美国从亚洲进口的东西超过她向那的出口 But it expects exports will increase following the approval of full trade relations with China.^但是,美国希望在批准了跟中国的完全通商之后,出口将会增长。 【express】to say clearly.^表达 He expressed his love for her.^他表达了对她的爱。 【extend】1、to stretch out in area or length; 2、to continue for a longer time.^延伸,扩展;延续 The rebels have extended their control over more of the country.^叛乱者们把他们的控制扩展到全国其他更多的地方。 Officials have extended the time that students must be in school each day, from seven hours to eight.^当局者延长了学生们每天的在校时间,从七小时延长至八小时。 【extra】more than normal, expected or necessary.^额外的 Newspapers printed extra copies to report election results.^报纸刊登号外版来报道选举结果。 【extreme】more than the usual or accepted (~ly adverb)^极端的,极度的 My broken leg was extremely painful.^我的断腿疼得非常厉害。 【extremist】a person with strong religious or political beliefs who acts in an extreme or violent way.^极端主义者 Animal rights extremists broke into the building and released all the laboratory animals.^动物权利极端分子闯进大楼并且释放了全部实验室的动物。 --- end